Saturday, 21 March 2009


Again, instead of going to sleep last break, I found a DVD to watch. The entire first series of The Office. I made it to the start of the fourth episode before falling asleep ffs. It's one of my favourite episodes of anything ever, which shows how bad I'm running I guess. My ungrateful body didn't seem to appreciate the hour's sleep I allowed it either as I woke up with a horrible headache. SNGed it for an hour and a half to start this session, then lost two stacks in 13 hands on my return to cash, which I won't be playing again until I've had some proper rest. Ran top pair + nut fd + nut low draw into top set and missed everything, then I lost A2K7ds all in pre vs A2KQds, which may have been a bit tilty on my part but still, wtf?! So now I'm one-tabling capped 1c/2c holdem on FT. What a great challenge this is. I think my body's telling me to sleep after this session so that's what I'll probably do. Unless MacDonald's is open, then it's breakfast/lunch/dinner time depending on what time of day my confused sleep-deprived body thinks it is.

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